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本丛书三大特色 学地道语料,积累英语语感 本从书从人们最为关切的主题入手...
Talent by Design(免费使用)
Lord of the Dance
Red, Gold & Green: Bob Marley, Reggae Messiah
The Quiet Beatle
The Yo-Yo That Only Goes Up
The Cult-Figure Physicist
Chinese IT Forerunner: Zhu Bangfu
Elementary, My Dear Dr. Lee
Muhammad Ali: 'The Greatest'
The Words, Wit, and Wisdom of Sir Winston Churchill
Remarks to Students and Community of Beijing University (extract)
Princess Diana: The Queen of Hearts
Nicole Kidman: Going the Extra Mile
Ang Lee's Green Destiny
Songs of Solitude
The Cartoonist Cai Zhizhong: Everything Old is New Again
Haute Stuff
Emancipation Proclamation
A Nobel Prize for Naipaul
Hilary's Living History
Nietzsche: The Will to Think