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成人>成人 >商务英语


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
Unit 20 Complaints and claim 20.4 Handling complaints(免费使用)
Unit 20 Complaints and claim Useful Language
Unit 21 Press interviews 21.1 Effective policy
Unit 21 Press interviews 21.2 Key to success
Unit 21 Press interviews 21.3 Market share
Unit 21 Press interviews 21.4 Diversification
Unit 21 Press interviews Useful Language
Unit 22 Small talk 22.1 Impression
Unit 22 Small talk 22.2 Meeting old customers
Unit 22 Small talk 22.3 Transportation problems
Unit 22 Small talk 22.4 Favorite sport
Unit 22 Small talk 22.5 Holiday
Unit 22 Small talk Useful Language
Unit 23 Weather 23.1 The best topic
Unit 23 Weather 23.2 No choice
Unit 23 Weather 23.3 Weather Forecast
Unit 23 Weather 23.4 A cold winter
Unit 23 Weather Useful Language
Unit 24 Entertaining customers (Ⅰ) 24.1 Invitation
Unit 24 Entertaining customers (Ⅰ) 24.2 At a reception
Unit 24 Entertaining customers (Ⅰ) 24.3 Standing on ceremony
Unit 24 Entertaining customers (Ⅰ) 24.4 Talking about foreign food
Unit 24 Entertaining customers (Ⅰ) Useful Language
Unit 25 Entertaining customers (Ⅱ) 25.1 Describing wines
Unit 25 Entertaining customers (Ⅱ) 25.2 Tasting roast duck
Unit 25 Entertaining customers (Ⅱ) 25.3 Talking about seafood
Unit 25 Entertaining customers (Ⅱ) 25.4 Drinking tea
Unit 25 Entertaining customers (Ⅱ) 25.5 Saying thank you
Unit 25 Entertaining customers (Ⅱ) Useful Language
Unit 26 Sightseeing 26.1 Sauntering through a garden
Unit 26 Sightseeing 26.2 Walking up into the mountains
Unit 26 Sightseeing 26.3 Visiting a temple
Unit 26 Sightseeing 26.4 Local features
Unit 26 Sightseeing Useful Language
Unit 27 Shopping 27.1 Looking at skirts
Unit 27 Shopping 27.2 Buying a gift
Unit 27 Shopping 27.3 Too expensive
Unit 27 Shopping 27.4 Out of stock
Unit 27 Shopping 27.5 Just looking
Unit 27 Shopping Useful Language
Unit 28 Saying goodbye 28.1 Calling to say goodbye
Unit 28 Saying goodbye 28.2 Leaving by plane
Unit 28 Saying goodbye 28.3 Looking forward to coming again
Unit 28 Saying goodbye 28.4 Bon voyage
Unit 28 Saying goodbye Useful Language
Unit 29 Job interview 29.1 Straight out of school
Unit 29 Job interview 29.2 Talking about oneself
Unit 29 Job interview 29.3 Inquiring about terms
Unit 29 Job interview 29.4 Taken on probation
Unit 29 Job interview Useful Language