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《出门万事通》是本社历年来针对欲学好英文口语的社会人士及在学学生所设计的完整系列。 ...
Chapter 6 Law and Order(1)(免费使用)
Chapter 6 Law and Order(2)
Chapter 6 Law and Order(3)
Chapter 7 Around the Neighborhood(1)
Chapter 7 Around the Neighborhood(2)
Chapter 7 Around the Neighborhood(3)
Chapter 7 Around the Neighborhood(4)
Chapter 8 Health and Medicine(1)
Chapter 8 Health and Medicine(2)
Chapter 8 Health and Medicine(3)
Chapter 8 Health and Medicine(4)
Chapter 9 Science and Reports(1)
Chapter 9 Science and Reports(2)
Chapter 9 Science and Reports(3)
Chapter 9 Science and Reports(4)
Chapter 10 Wide World of Sports(1)
Chapter 10 Wide World of Sports(2)
Chapter 10 Wide World of Sports(3)
Chapter 11 Traffic Reports(1)
Chapter 11 Traffic Reports(2)
Chapter 12 Weather Reports(1)
Chapter 12 Weather Reports(2)