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1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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《出门万事通》是本社历年来针对欲学好英文口语的社会人士及在学学生所设计的完整系列。 ...
Unit 46 The Perfect Picnic Spot(免费使用)
Unit 47 Setting Up for the Picnic
Unit 48 Taking a Walk
Unit 49 Cleaning Up
Unit 50 Storm Warnings
Unit 51 Seeking Shelter
Unit 52 Mother Nature's Fury
Unit 53 Promise of the Rainbow
Unit 54 Getting Lost!
Unit 55 Finding an English Speaker
Unit 56 Writing It Down
Unit 57 Once Lost, Now Found
Unit 58 Approaching the Checkpoint
Unit 59 Asking for ID
Unit 60 Checking the Car
Unit 61 Welcome to Denmark!
Unit 62 Magical Copenhagen
Unit 63 A New Hostel
Unit 64 Studying the Guidebook
Unit 65 Out on the Town
Unit 66 Checking the Camera
Unit 67 Purchasing Film and Batteries
Unit 68 Developing the Film
Unit 69 Souvenirs
Unit 70 Time for Lunch
Unit 71 An Art Purchase
Unit 72 Arriving in Stockholm
Unit 73 Islands and Bridges
Unit 74 Old Town
Unit 75 The Royal Palace
Unit 76 Unpleasant Surprise
Unit 77 Calling the American Embassy
Unit 78 Lost and Found
Unit 79 All's Well That Ends Well
Unit 80 Under the Weather
Unit 81 The Morning After
Unit 82 Checkup Looking Up
Unit 83 Mothering the Man
Unit 84 Shopping Needs Money
Unit 85 An Embarrassing Experience
Unit 86 Cashing Traveler's Checks
Unit 87 The Long Road Home
Unit 88 Saying Good-bye
Unit 89 Checking In at the Airport