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高中>高三 >单项突破课程

地道口语脱口SHOW 高中升学篇

1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
Unit 1 Introduction(1)(免费使用)
Unit 1 Introduction(2)
Unit 2 Greetings(1)
Unit 2 Greetings(2)
Unit 3 Making a phone call(1)
Unit 3 Making a phone call(2)
Unit 4 Asking the way(1)
Unit 4 Asking the way(2)
Unit 5 Public transportation(1)
Unit 5 Public transportation(2)
Unit 6 Taking a bus(1)
Unit 6 Taking a bus(2)
Unit 7 Taking an airplane(1)
Unit 7 Taking an airplane(2)
Unit 8 Saying goodbye(1)
Unit 8 Saying goodbye(2)
Unit 9 Dinner(1)
Unit 9 Dinner(2)
Unit 10 At the barber's(1)
Unit 10 At the barber's(2)
Unit 11 At the library(1)
Unit 11 At the library(2)
Unit 12 At the bank(1)
Unit 12 At the bank(2)
Unit 13 At the post office(1)
Unit 13 At the post office(2)
Unit 14 Party(1)
Unit 14 Party(2)
Unit 15 At the customs(1)
Unit 15 At the customs(2)
Unit 16 Agreeing and disagreeing(1)
Unit 16 Agreeing and disagreeing(2)
Unit 17 Certainty and uncertainty(1)
Unit 17 Certainty and uncertainty(2)
Unit 18 Relief and delight(1)
Unit 18 Relief and delight(2)
Unit 19 Likes and dislikes(1)
Unit 19 Likes and dislikes(2)
Unit 20 Purpose and plan(1)
Unit 20 Purpose and plan(2)
Unit 21 Sympathy and consolation(1)
Unit 21 Sympathy and consolation(2)
Unit 22 Requests and offers(1)
Unit 22 Requests and offers(2)
Unit 23 Thanks and answers(1)
Unit 23 Thanks and answers(2)