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3. France: Paris
4. France; Monaco: Monte Carlo
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9. Norway: Iceland; Denmark: Greenland
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21. China: Xi'an
22. China: Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou
23. China: Wuhan, Yichang, Yangtze River, Three Gorges
24. China: Guilin, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong
25. China: Sichuan, Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan, Tibet
26. The Silk Road: China and Pakistan
27. Japan: Tokyo, Nikko, Kamakura, Hakone
28. Japan: Kyoto, Osaka
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34. India: Varanasi; Nepal: Kathmandu
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38. Israel: Outside Jerusalem
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44. Canada: Rocky Mountains, Banff, Calgary
45. Western Canada: Victoria, Vancouver
46. United States: Washington D.C.
47. United States: New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut
48. United States: Louisiana, Florida
49. United States: California, Nevada
50. United States: National Parks
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56. Bolivia, Brazil
57. Australia: Sydney, Melbourne
58. New Zealand