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1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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Unit 1 Actors(免费使用)
Unit 2 Books
Unit 3 Chocolate
Unit 4 Diamonds and Other Jewelry
Unit 5 Emergencies and Disasters
Unit 6 Fables and Fairy Tales
Unit 7 Gestures
Unit 8 Hairstyles
Unit 9 Ice
Unit 10 Junk and Garbage
Unit 11 Kandinsky, Klee, and Modern Art
Unit 12 Laughter
Unit 13 Masks
Unit 14 Names, Nicknames, and Titles
Unit 15 Ounces and Other Measurements
Unit 16 Photography
Unit 17 Queens
Unit 18 'Red' idioms
Unit 19 Strange and Unusual Things
Unit 20 Tai Chi and Other Martial Arts
Unit 21 Uncles
Unit 22 Vending Machines
Unit 23 Weddings
Unit 24 X+Y=?
Unit 25 Yen, Peso, and Other Currencies
Unit 26 Zoos