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小学>四年级 >兴趣课程


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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Lesson One The Sun and the Earth(免费使用)
Lesson Two Day and Night
Lesson Three Seasons
Lesson Four Weather
Lesson Five On the Earth
Lesson Six Changes of Water
Lesson Seven Substances on the Earth
Lesson Eight Plants on the Earth
Lesson Nine Animals
Lesson Ten Wild Animals
Lesson Eleven Sea Animals and Fishes
Lesson Twelve Birds
Lesson Thirteen Insects
Lesson Fourteen My Body (1)
Lesson Fifteen My Body (2)
Lesson Sixteen Class Games
Lesson Seventeen Our Kindergarten
Lesson Eighteen Indoor Games
Lesson Nineteen Outdoor Sports
Lesson Twenty My Home (1)
Lesson Twenty-one My Home (2)
Lesson Twenty-two My Home (3)
Lesson Twenty-three My Home (4)
Lesson Twenty-four In the Hospital
Lesson Twenty-five Money
Lesson Twenty-six Shopping
Lesson Twenty-seven Let's Learn to Count
Lesson Twenty-eight Let's Learn to Do Sums
Lesson Twenty-nine Let's Read the Clock
Lesson Thirty A Week
Lesson Thirty-one Twelve Months
Lesson Thirty-two Let's Read the Map
Lesson Thirty-three Positions (1)
Lesson Thirty-four Positions (2)
Lesson Thirty-five A Busy Street