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Dutch: English Expressions Unrelated to Dutch People(免费使用)
Easy As Falling Off a Log: Not Much Effort Involved!
Face: Time to Face the Music
Fall Guy: He Took the Blame for Someone Else
Feel The Pinch: The Pains of Economic Trouble
Fireworks: What Is All the Noise About?
Get Your Act Together: Organization Is the Name of the Game
Great Scott: What a Surprise!
Green: More Than Just a Color
Hang: Don't Get Excited, Just Hang Loose
Heard It on the Grapevine: What? Who Told You That?
Heart to Heart: Let's Get to the Heart of the Matter
Hit: If a Student's Grades Hit Bottom, It Is Time to Hit the Books
Hobson's Choice: When There Is Really No Choice at All
In the Red: Better to Be in the Black
It Will Not Wash: Does It Work, or Not?
Kick: This Is an Idea Worth Kicking Around
Let's Do Business: I Made a Sweetheart Deal Last Month
Losing It: It's Hard When You Lose Control
Medical Terms: A Clean Bill of Health From the Doctor