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《新编研究生英语系列教程/研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)》(Proficient Readin...
Lesson 1 Hour of Horror Forever Alters American Lives
Lesson 2 Is the Aerospace 
Lesson 3 The'Long Goodbye
Lesson 4 Bill Clinton
Lesson 5 David Beckham: My Side
Lesson 6 A Beautiful Mind
Lesson 7 A Christmas Sermon On Peace
Lesson 8 Left for Dead
Lesson 9 Spell of the Rising Moon
Lesson 10 Beyond Dolly: the Human
Lesson 11 The Penalty of Death
Lesson 12 In Praise of the Humble Comma
Lesson 13 Our Picture of the Universe
Lesson 14 Flying and Driving After the September 11 Attacks
Lesson 15 2 Inches Between Life and Death
Lesson 16 Cat in the Rain 
Lesson 17 The Stolen Party
Lesson 18 A Summer's Reading