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洋私塾 Beginner

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用户对象 针对英语零起步学习者或基础不扎实且长期没有接触英语的学习者。 ...
Unit 1 Hello Lesson 1 (免费使用)
Unit 1 Hello Lesson 2
Unit 1 Hello Lesson 3
Unit 1 Hello Lesson 4
Unit 2 Which season do you like? Lesson 1
Unit 2 Which season do you like? Lesson 2
Unit 2 Which season do you like? Lesson 3
Unit 2 Which season do you like? Lesson 4
Unit 3 I often get up at 6:40 Lesson 1
Unit 3 I often get up at 6:40 Lesson 2
Unit 3 I often get up at 6:40 Lesson 3
Unit 3 I often get up at 6:40 Lesson 4
Unit 4 Are you busy? Lesson 1
Unit 4 Are you busy? Lesson 2
Unit 4 Are you busy? Lesson 3
Unit 4 Are you busy? Lesson 4
Unit 5 Where are they? Lesson 1
Unit 5 Where are they? Lesson 2
Unit 5 Where are they? Lesson 3
Unit 5 Where are they? Lesson 4
Unit 6 Could you tell me how to go to the museum? Lesson 1
Unit 6 Could you tell me how to go to the museum? Lesson 2
Unit 6 Could you tell me how to go to the museum? Lesson 3
Unit 6 Could you tell me how to go to the museum? Lesson 4
Unit 7 There isn't much rice Lesson 1
Unit 7 There isn't much rice Lesson 2
Unit 7 There isn't much rice Lesson 3
Unit 7 There isn't much rice Lesson 4
Unit 8 I had a wonderful time last night Lesson 1
Unit 8 I had a wonderful time last night Lesson 2
Unit 8 I had a wonderful time last night Lesson 3
Unit 8 I had a wonderful time last night Lesson 4