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初中>九年级 >单项突破课程

快捷英语·听力周周练 (中考)

1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
WEEK 1 People around TEST 1(免费使用)
WEEK 1 People around TEST 2
WEEK 2 Personal environments TEST 3
WEEK 2 Personal environments TEST 4
WEEK 3 Daily routines TEST 5
WEEK 3 Daily routines TEST 6
WEEK 4 School life TEST 7
WEEK 4 School life TEST 8
WEEK 5 Interests and hobbies TEST 9
WEEK 5 Interests and hobbies TEST 10
WEEK 6 Emotions TEST 11
WEEK 6 Emotions TEST 12
WEEK 7 Relationship TEST 13
WEEK 7 Relationship TEST 14
WEEK 8 Festivals, holidays and celebrations TEST 15
WEEK 8 Festivals, holidays and celebrations TEST 16
WEEK 9 Shopping TEST 17
WEEK 9 Shopping TEST 18
WEEK 10 Food and drink TEST 19
WEEK 10 Food and drink TEST 20
WEEK 11 Health TEST 21
WEEK 11 Health TEST 22
WEEK 12 Weather TEST 23
WEEK 12 Weather TEST 24
WEEK 13 Learning TEST 25
WEEK 13 Learning TEST 26
WEEK 14 Travel and transport TEST 27
WEEK 14 Travel and transport TEST 28
WEEK 15 Entertainment and sports TEST 29
WEEK 15 Entertainment and sports TEST 30
WEEK 16 Plans and intention TEST 31
WEEK 16 Plans and intention TEST 32