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成人> >商务英语


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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Unit 1 Travel by air 1.1 Booking a flight(免费使用)
Unit 1 Travel by air 1.2 At the check-in counter
Unit 1 Travel by air 1.3 Security check
Unit 1 Travel by air 1.4 Going through customs (1)
Unit 1 Travel by air 1.5 Going through customs (2)
Unit 1 Travel by air Useful Language
Unit 2 At a bank 2.1 Cashing traveler's checks
Unit 2 At a bank 2.2 Buying traveler's checks
Unit 2 At a bank 2.3 Changing money
Unit 2 At a bank 2.4 Opening an account
Unit 2 At a bank Useful Language
Unit 3 At a hotel 3.1 Finding rooms (1)
Unit 3 At a hotel 3.2 Finding rooms (2)
Unit 3 At a hotel 3.3 Filling out the form
Unit 3 At a hotel 3.4 Finding out about the hotel
Unit 3 At a hotel Useful Language
Unit 4 Telephone calls 4.1 Getting people on the phone
Unit 4 Telephone calls 4.2 Calling again later
Unit 4 Telephone calls 4.3 Leaving a message
Unit 4 Telephone calls 4.4 Asking people to repeat
Unit 4 Telephone calls Useful Language
Unit 5 Housing 5.1 Looking for office space
Unit 5 Housing 5.2 Apartment hunting
Unit 5 Housing 5.3 Buying a house
Unit 5 Housing 5.4 Talking about mortgage loans
Unit 5 Housing Useful Language
Unit 6 Asking for directions 6.1 Giving directions (1)
Unit 6 Asking for directions 6.2 Giving directions (2)
Unit 6 Asking for directions 6.3 Being new in town
Unit 6 Asking for directions 6.4 Catching a bus
Unit 6 Asking for directions 6.5 Taking a taxi
Unit 6 Asking for directions Useful Language
Unit 7 Meeting potential customers 7.1 Introductions and greetings (1)
Unit 7 Meeting potential customers 7.2 Introductions and greetings (2)
Unit 7 Meeting potential customers 7.3 Helping with baggage
Unit 7 Meeting potential customers 7.4 Seeing Old friends
Unit 7 Meeting potential customers Useful Language
Unit 8 Making appointments 8.1 Setting the time (1)
Unit 8 Making appointments 8.2 Setting the time (2)
Unit 8 Making appointments 8.3 Changing the date
Unit 8 Making appointments 8.4 Canceling an appointment
Unit 8 Making appointments Useful Language
Unit 9 In the reception area 9.1 Arriving for an appointment
Unit 9 In the reception area 9.2 Asking for people
Unit 9 In the reception area 9.3 Calling without an appointment
Unit 9 In the reception area 9.4 Being late
Unit 9 In the reception area Useful Language
Unit 10 Sales promotion 10.1 Line of business
Unit 10 Sales promotion 10.2 An interesting product
Unit 10 Sales promotion 10.3 Business principle