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1.I'm Interested in Buying a Car (免费使用)
2.Hiring a Car
3.At the Petrol Station
4.Finding a Garage
5.Judy in a Jam
6.You Mustn't Talk to Me While I'm Driving
7.One Man's Work
8.When Did It Happen?
9.Hit and Run
10.Various Ways of Travelling in Britain
11.Broadcast Announcements
12.At a Travel Agency
13.Calling a Travel Agency
14.The Best Way to Travel
15.Plans about Visiting Canberra
16.Do You Like Traveling?
17.You Can Imagine How We Felt!
18.A Good Experience
19.A Camping Holiday
20.Travel Troubles
21.Advice from Experts
22.I Want to Fly to Hamburg
23.Can You Tell Me the Times of the Trains to Newcastle?
24.At a Ticket Window
25.How to Get a British Passport
26.At the Check-in Counter
27.Go Through the Security Check
28.Coming Through Immigration
29.At the Customs
30.Have You anything to Declare?
31.Reserving Hotel Accommodation
32.I'd Like a Room,Please.
33.Recommending Hotels for a Holiday
34.Jet Lag
35.Getting about by Train
36.Airport Announcements
37.May I Have Your Attention,Please?
38.Airport Announcements
39.In-flight Announcements
40.At a Railway Station
41.Announcements for Sea Travelers
42.Announcement in a Bus