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儿童时期,是语言学习的最佳时期。抓住这个时期,让孩子学点外语,不仅学得快,而且记得牢。 ...
ABC Song(免费使用)
Lesson 1 Letters
Lesson 2 A, B, C, D in words
Lesson 3 E, F, G, H in words
Lesson 4 I, J, K, L in words
Lesson 5 M, N, O, P in words
Lesson 6 Q, R, S, T in words
Lesson 7 U, V, W, X, Y, Z in words
One Two Three Song
Lesson 8 Numbers
Lesson 9 Family Members
'Hello, Hello, Hello!' Song
Lesson 10 I am, You are, She is, He is
Lesson 11 We are, You are, They are
'Two Little Eyes' Song
Lesson 12 Parts of Body
'Colour' Song
Lesson 13 Colours
Lesson 14 Vegetables、Fruit and Food
Lesson 15 Furniture
'Good Morning' Song
Lesson 16 time (1)
Lesson 17 time (2)
'Days of the week' Song
Lesson 18 Days of the Week
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' Song
Lesson 19 Nature
Lesson 20 Weather
Lesson 21 Seasons
Lesson 22 The Zoo
Lesson 23 In the Park
Lesson 24 Position
Lesson 25 This is, That is, These are, Those are
Lesson 26 What
Lesson 27 My, Your, His, Her, Their, Bo-Bo's
Lesson 28 Who
Lesson 29 At Home
Lesson 30 Expressions of Politeness
Lesson 31 Everyday English
'Good-bye to You' Song