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初中>八年级 >兴趣课程


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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Fun with Dick and Jane(免费使用)
Sentence Translation
Fire in the Sky (1)
Fire in the Sky (2)
Fire in the Sky Exercise
First Love
First Love Exercise
Counting Chickens
Counting Chickens Exercise
Butterfly Lovers (1)
Butterfly Lovers Exercise (1)
Butterfly Lovers (2)
Butterfly Lovers Exercise (2)
Paper or Plastic?
Paper or Plastic? Exercise
Grammar (1)
Hard Work Pays Off (1)
Hard Work Pays Off (2)
Hard Work Pays Off Exercise
The Gift of the Magi (1)
The Gift of the Magi Exercise (1)
The Gift of the Magi (2)
The Gift of the Magi Exercise (2)
The Penguin Show
Destination: Detroit (1)
Destination: Detroit (2)
Destination: Detroit (3)
Destination: Detroit Exercise
Dreams Come True (1)
Dreams Come True Exercise (1)
Dreams Come True (2)
Dreams Come True Exercise (2)
Grammar (2)
TREASURE FLEET—The Adventures of Zheng He (1)
TREASURE FLEET—The Adventures of Zheng He (2)
TREASURE FLEET—The Adventures of Zheng He Exercise
Zhang ZiYi
Zhang ZiYi Exercise
Monthly Review