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初中>九年级 >兴趣课程


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背诵好文章肯定是学习英文的好方法之一。 藉由背诵,我们可以不知不觉中学会实用的句型...
Unit 1 A Great Friend(免费使用)
Unit 2 The Joy of Labor
Unit 3 We're Just Beginning
Unit 4 Advice to a Young Man
Unit 5 The Happy Door
Unit 6 Companionship of Books
Unit 7 Friendship
Unit 8 A Key to Happiness
Unit 9 The Love of Beauty
Unit 10 For the Sake of Other Men
Unit 11 You Are What You Do
Unit 12 Youth
Unit 13 Have Faith in Others
Unit 14 True Nobility
Unit 15 Life Is Too Short to Be Little
Unit 16 We Are on a Journey
Unit 17 The Joy of Living
Unit 18 To the Unknown Teacher
Unit 19 Self-control
Unit 20 Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Unit 21 An Excerpt of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address