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1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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《出门万事通》是本社历年来针对欲学好英文口语的社会人士及在学学生所设计的完整系列。 ...
Unit 1 At a Restaurant (1)(免费使用)
Unit 2 At a Restaurant (2)
Unit 3 At a Restaurant (3)
Unit 4 At a Restaurant (4)
Unit 5 Grabbing a Bite to Eat
Unit 6 At the Bookstore (1)
Unit 7 At the Bookstore (2)
Unit 8 Buying CDs
Unit 9 Getting a Haircut (1)
Unit 10 Getting a Haircut (2)
Unit 11 Shopping for Clothes (1)
Unit 12 Shopping for Clothes (2)
Unit 13 Shopping for Clothes (3)
Unit 14 Shopping for Shoes (1)
Unit 15 Shopping for Shoes (2)
Unit 16 Visiting the Doctor (1)
Unit 17 Visiting the Doctor (2)
Unit 18 Visiting the Doctor (3)
Unit 19 At the Pharmacy
Unit 20 Changing Money (1)
Unit 21 Changing Money (2)
Unit 22 Buying a Watch (1)
Unit 23 Buying a Watch (2)
Unit 24 Fill It Up
Unit 25 Vacation Time (1)
Unit 26 Vacation Time (2)
Unit 27 Vacation Time: Taking a Tour (1)
Unit 28 Vacation Time: Taking a Tour (2)
Unit 29 Developing Film (1)
Unit 30 Developing Film (2)
Unit 31 Getting a Library Card (1)
Unit 32 Getting a Library Card (2)
Unit 33 Buying a Musical Instrument (1)
Unit 34 Buying a Musical Instrument (2)
Unit 35 In a Hotel (1)
Unit 36 In a Hotel (2)
Unit 37 Coffee Break
Unit 38 Buying a Camera
Unit 39 Buying a Stereo System (1)
Unit 40 Buying a Stereo System (2)
Unit 41 Ordering a Pizza (1)
Unit 42 Ordering Pizza (2)
Unit 43 Opening an Account (1)
Unit 44 Opening an Account (2)
Unit 45 Looking for a Good Book (1)
Unit 46 Looking for a Good Book (2)
Unit 47 Buying Flowers
Unit 48 At the Local Bar
Unit 49 Alterations
Unit 50 Ice Cream
Unit 51 Renting a Video (1)
Unit 52 Renting a Video (2)
Unit 53 Renting a Video (3)
Unit 54 Renting a Video (4)
Unit 55 At the Newsstand
Unit 56 Returns and Exchanges
Unit 57 At the Supermarket (1)
Unit 58 At the Supermarket (2)
Unit 59 Filing Methods
Unit 60 Renting an Apartment (1)
Unit 61 Renting an Apartment (2)
Unit 62 Renting an Apartment (3)
Unit 63 At the Airport (1)
Unit 64 At the Airport (2)
Unit 65 Buying Computer Games
Unit 66 Buying a Computer (1)
Unit 67 Buying a Computer (2)
Unit 68 Buying a Computer (3)
Unit 69 Beachwear (1)
Unit 70 Beachwear (2)