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成人>成人 >行业英语


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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《出门万事通》是本社历年来针对欲学好英文口语的社会人士及在学学生所设计的完整系列。 ...
Unit 1 Boarding the Plane (免费使用)
Unit 2 Dinner Time
Unit 3 Airsickness
Unit 4 The Immigration Office
Unit 5 At Customs
Unit 6 Meeting the Host Family at the Airport
Unit 7 In the Car on the Way Home
Unit 8 Arriving at the House
Unit 9 Mary's Room
Unit 10 In the Family Room
Unit 11 A Special Gift
Unit 12 Setting the Dinner Table
Unit 13 Having Dinner (Ⅰ)
Unit 14 Having Dinner (Ⅱ)
Unit 15 After the Dinner
Unit 16 The Rules of Homestay
Unit 17 Curfews
Unit 18 Plan for the Next Day
Unit 19 Registering as a Student
Unit 20 Picking Classes
Unit 21 Math and English Evaluation Tests
Unit 22 Orientation (Ⅰ)
Unit 23 Orientation (Ⅱ)
Unit 24 Eating Breakfast (Ⅰ)
Unit 25 Eating Breakfast (Ⅱ)
Unit 26 Waiting for the School Bus
Unit 27 Homeroom (Ⅰ)
Unit 28 Homeroom (Ⅱ)
Unit 29 Looking for Classrooms
Unit 30 American Literature Class
Unit 31 Biology Class
Unit 32 Homework Assignment for Geometry
Unit 33 Dismissed from School
Unit 34 Getting a Locker
Unit 35 Getting off the School Bus
Unit 36 Striking up a Conversation
Unit 37 Having Trouble Communicating
Unit 38 American Humor
Unit 39 Getting Invited to a Friend's House
Unit 40 Getting Permission
Unit 41 Going to Pam's House
Unit 42 It's a Party!