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这本书是《英语从头学》系列丛书的第二本。 《英语从头学》系列丛书共分六本,分别是:...
Lesson 1 Self Introduction(免费使用)
Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You
Lesson 3 My Family
Lesson 4 What Do You Do?
Lesson 5 Tony and His Family
Lesson 6 Is This Your Dog?
Lesson 7 Tony and Tina
Lesson 8 Do You Speak Spanish?
Lesson 9 A Busy Family
Lesson 10 What Are You Doing?
Lesson 11 My Foreign Classmates
Lesson 12 Where's Chen from?
Lesson 13 Nobody Is at Home
Lesson 14 Why Are You Smiling?
Lesson 15 Mrs. Lee's Kitchen
Lesson 16 Where Are My Keys?
Lesson 17 My Hometown
Lesson 18 Is It near the Post Office?
Lesson 19 I Have Two Friends
Lesson 20 She Is Beautiful
Lesson 21 I Don't Know Anyone
Lesson 22 Do You Want to Dance?
Lesson 23 The Book Is Mine
Lesson 24 It's Mine
Lesson 25 My Father
Lesson 26 He Usually Plays Tennis
Lesson 27 Jack and His Dog
Lesson 28 I always Walk
Lesson 29 Poor Dick
Lesson 30 Money Doesn't Grow on Trees
Lesson 31 Poor Amy
Lesson 32 Coins for the Phone
Lesson 33 She Wants to Wear Something Formal
Lesson 34 Let's Go to a Disco
Lesson 35 There's Little Food
Lesson 36 A Lot of Bills
Lesson 37 A Wonderful Time
Lesson 38 Nobody Answered the Phone
Lesson 39 Homesickness
Lesson 40 Everybody Spoke English