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初中>八年级 >单项突破课程


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
PartⅠ Workplace 1-3(免费使用)
PartⅠ Workplace 4-6
PartⅠ Workplace 7-9
PartⅠ Workplace 10-11
PartⅠ Workplace 12-13
PartⅠ Workplace 14-15
PartⅠ Workplace 16-17
PartⅠ Workplace 18-19
PartⅠ Workplace 20-21
PartⅠ Workplace 22-23
PartⅠ Workplace 24-25
PartⅠ Workplace 26-27
PartⅠ Workplace 28-29
PartⅠ Workplace 30-31
PartⅠ Workplace 32-33
PartⅠ Workplace 34-35
PartⅠ Workplace 36-38
PartⅡ Daily Life 1-3
PartⅡ Daily Life 4-6
PartⅡ Daily Life 7-9
PartⅡ Daily Life 10-11
PartⅡ Daily Life 12-13
PartⅡ Daily Life 14-15
PartⅡ Daily Life 16-17
PartⅡ Daily Life 18-19
PartⅡ Daily Life 20-21
PartⅡ Daily Life 22-23
PartⅡ Daily Life 24-25
PartⅡ Daily Life 26-27
PartⅡ Daily Life 28-29
PartⅡ Daily Life 30-31
PartⅡ Daily Life 32-33
PartⅡ Daily Life 34-36
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 1-3
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 4-6
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 7-9
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 10-11
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 12-13
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 14-15
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 16-17
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 18-19
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 20-21
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 22-23
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 24-25
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 26-27
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 28-29
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 30-31
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 32-33
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 34-35
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 36-37
Part Ⅲ Chinglish 38-40
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 1-3
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 4-6
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 7-9
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 10-11
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 12-13
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 14-15
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 16-17
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 18-19
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 20-21
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 22-23
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 24-25
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 26-27
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 28-29
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 30-31
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 32-33
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 34-35
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 36-37
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 38-39
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 40-41
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 42-43
Part Ⅳ Confusion of Words 44-46
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 1-3
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 4-6
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 7-9
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 10-11
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 12-13
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 14-15
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 16-17
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 18-19
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 20-21
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 22-23
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 24-25
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 26-27
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 28-29
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 30-31
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 32-33
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 34-35
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 36-37
PartⅤ Grammar Errors 38-40