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成人>成人 >休闲英语


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
与时代同步 说地道美语 在学校里,我们学会了做英语选择题、听力题、阅读题、作文题、...
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 1 play in /at a movie theater/at the movies(免费使用)
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 2 action movie
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 3 movie star
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 4 catch a movie
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 5 come out
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 6 come out on video/DVD/VCD
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 7 dollar theater
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 8 special effects
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 9 box-office hit
Chapter 1 Movies Unit 10 movie review
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 1 clearance sale
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 2 end-of-season sale
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 3 give a discount
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 4 shop around
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 5 shopping spree
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 6 shop till you drop
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 7 try on
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 8 fitting room
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 9 be sold out
Chapter 2 Shopping Unit 10 get a refund
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 1 sing off key
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 2 book a room
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 3 order some food/drinks
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 4 pick a song(to sing)
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 5 be top of the charts
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 6 know something by heart
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 7 turn the volume up/down
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 8 take/have a turn
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 9 dim the lights
Chapter 3 KTV Unit 10 call it a night
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 1 blind date
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 2 have a crush on someone
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 3 ask someone out(on a date)
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 4 whisper sweet nothings
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 5 take it slow
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 6 fall in love
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 7 go steady
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 8 love letter
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 9 have a broken heart
Chapter 4 Dating Unit 10 true love
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 1 book/reserve a room
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 2 reserve a table(for the number of people)
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 3 book a flight
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 4 roundtrip ticket
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 5 boarding gate
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 6 confirm a (flight) reservation
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 7 rent a car
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 8 make an appointment
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 9 reserve a (dance/theater/opera) ticket
Chapter 5 Reservations Unit 10 hire a person