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成人>成人 >休闲英语


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
与时代同步 说地道美语 在学校里,我们学会了做英语选择题、听力题、阅读题、作文题、...
UNIT 1 Action stations(免费使用)
UNIT 2 All in all
UNIT 3 Angel of mercy
UNIT 4 Any old how
UNIT 5 Bank on (something)
UNIT 6 Beggar description
UNIT 7 Black out
UNIT 8 Blow it
UNIT 9 A bone of contention
UNIT 10 Breathing down (somebody's) neck
UNIT 11 Bring the house down
UNIT 12 Butterfingers
UNIT 13 Call it a day
UNIT 14 Catch 22
UNIT 15 Charity begins at home
UNIT 16 Come to nothing
UNIT 17 Conversation piece
UNIT 18 Crack open a bottle
UNIT 19 Crop up
UNIT 20 Cut it out
UNIT 21 Dawn on
UNIT 22 Dead beat
UNIT 23 Dead set on
UNIT 24 Do or die
UNIT 25 Dog eat dog
UNIT 26 Donkey's years
UNIT 27 Dot one's i's and cross one's t's
UNIT 28 Dressed to kill
UNIT 29 A drop in the ocean
UNIT 30 Drown one's sorrows
UNIT 31 Dutch courage
UNIT 32 Easy come, easy go
UNIT 33 A nest egg
UNIT 34 Elbow grease
UNIT 35 End up
UNIT 36 The evil eye
UNIT 37 An eye-opener
UNIT 38 An eyesore
UNIT 39 Fair – weather friend
UNIT 40 Fat chance