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这本书是《英语从头学》系列丛书的第二本。 《英语从头学》系列丛书共分六本,分别是:...
Lesson 41 Going Camping(免费使用)
Lesson 42 Are You Having Fun?
Lesson 43 Killing Two Birds with One Stone
Lesson 44 She Had a Bad Cold
Lesson 45 What a Nightmare!
Lesson 46 A Terrible Headache
Lesson 47 Be Polite
Lesson 48 Don't Mention It
Lesson 49 Never Talk to Strangers
Lesson 50 You're Sally, Aren't You?
Lesson 51 My Girlfriend
Lesson 52 Sam's OK
Lesson 53 Country Life
Lesson 54 I Like Brighter Colors
Lesson 55 More Is Not Always Better
Lesson 56 I Want the Cheaper One
Lesson 57 The Elephant and the Whale
Lesson 58 The Smartest Teacher
Lesson 59 My Best Friend
Lesson 60 The Longest River in the World
Lesson 61 The Hare and the Turtle
Lesson 62 Practice Makes Perfect
Lesson 63 Saving a Drowning Boy
Lesson 64 Dan's a Good Swimmer
Lesson 65 The Fortune-teller
Lesson 66 Will It Leave on Time?
Lesson 67 Getting Married
Lesson 68 Are You Going to Come?
Lesson 69 Running a Bookstore
Lesson 70 When Will You Be Moving?
Lesson 71 Working Hard
Lesson 72 Remember to Wash
Lesson 73 Joe's Restaurant
Lesson 74 You Ought to Learn to Swim
Lesson 75 Michael's Dream
Lesson 76 I Want to Be a Doctor
Lesson 77 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
Lesson 78 Don't Be Discouraged
Lesson 79 Showing Off
Lesson 80 I'm Good at Cooking