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这本书是《英语从头学》系列丛书的第二本。 《英语从头学》系列丛书共分六本,分别是:...
Lesson 81 A Heavy Price to Pay(免费使用)
Lesson 82 Smoking Isn't Allowed
Lesson 83 A Nice Person
Lesson 84 What's She Like?
Lesson 85 Blood Types
Lesson 86 What's Your Blood Type?
Lesson 87 Society Is Changing Rapidly
Lesson 88 You Need a Vacation
Lesson 89 Australia
Lesson 90 A Good Place to Visit
Lesson 91 Computers
Lesson 92 Hold On, Please
Lesson 93 Pride Comes before a Fall
Lesson 94 Congratulations
Lesson 95 A Balanced Diet
Lesson 96 You're Looking Great!
Lesson 97 By Taxi
Lesson 98 Where to, Lady?
Lesson 99 Asking for Directions
Lesson 100 Turn Right
Lesson 101 Who Discovered America?
Lesson 102 The Same First Name
Lesson 103 Air Pollution
Lesson 104 We Need Fresh Air
Lesson 105 Recycling
Lesson 106 Litterbugs
Lesson 107 The Secret of Longevity
Lesson 108 Slow Down
Lesson 109 Discovering Africa
Lesson 110 Easier Said Than Done
Lesson 111 Confucius
Lesson 112 It's My Pleasure
Lesson 113 Something Well Begun Is Half Done
Lesson 114 No Pain, No Gain