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FAITH 英语-激情口语初级篇(1)

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本书是Faith英语丛书--激情口语系列之一:Faith英语《激情口语》之初级篇。 ...
Unit One Phonemic Sounds Lesson One Sounds in English Alphabets(免费使用)
Unit One Phonemic Sounds Lesson Two Vowel Sounds 1
Unit One Phonemic Sounds Lesson Three Vowel Sounds 2
Unit One Phonemic Sounds Lesson Four Consonants 1
Unit One Phonemic Sounds Lesson Five Consonants 2
Unit Two The English Family of Words Lesson One Nouns (Single and Plural)
Unit Two The English Family of Words Lesson Two Adjectives and Adverbs
Unit Two The English Family of Words Lesson Three Definite and Indefinite Articles
Unit Two The English Family of Words Lesson Four Pronouns (pron.)
Unit Two The English Family of Words Lesson Five Prepositions (prep.)
Unit Three The General Present Tense Lesson One The General Present Tense—Positive
Unit Three The General Present Tense Lesson Two The General Present Tense—Negative
Unit Three The General Present Tense Lesson Three The General Present Tense—Yes/No Questions
Unit Three The General Present Tense Lesson Four The General Present Tense—Wh-Questions
Unit Three The General Present Tense Lesson Five Numbers
Unit Four The General Past Tense Lesson One The General Past Tense—Positive
Unit Four The General Past Tense Lesson Two The General Past Tense—Negative
Unit Four The General Past Tense Lesson Three The General Past Tense—Yes/No Questions
Unit Four The General Past Tense Lesson Four The General Past Tense—Wh-questions
Unit Four The General Past Tense Lesson Five Imperative Sentences