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本书包括美国总统演说和美国部分政策文件。 美国历界总统演说的内容涉及富兰克...
George Washington: Farewell Address (1)(免费使用)
George Washington: Farewell Address (2)
George Washington: Farewell Address (3)
George Washington: Farewell Address (4)
George Washington: Farewell Address (5)
George Washington: Farewell Address (6)
Thomas Jefferson: First Inaugural Address (1)
Thomas Jefferson: First Inaugural Address (2)
Thomas Jefferson: First Inaugural Address (3)
Thomas Jefferson: First Inaugural Address (4)
James Monroe: The Monroe Doctrine (1)
James Monroe: The Monroe Doctrine (2)
Daniel Webster: Second Reply to Robert Hayne (1)
Daniel Webster: Second Reply to Robert Hayne (2)
Daniel Webster: Second Reply to Robert Hayne (3)
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address (1)
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address (2)
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address (3)
Abraham Lincoln: Second Inaugural Address (1)
Abraham Lincoln: Second Inaugural Address (2)
Gettysburg Address (1)
Gettysburg Address (2)
Theodore Roosevelt: Conservation of Natural Resources (1)
Theodore Roosevelt: Conservation of Natural Resources (2)
Theodore Roosevelt: Conservation of Natural Resources (3)
Woodrow Wilson: First Inaugural Address (1)
Woodrow Wilson: First Inaugural Address (2)
Woodrow Wilson: First Inaugural Address (3)
Woodrow Wilson: First Inaugural Address (4)
Franklin D. Roosevelt: 'Four Freedoms' Speech (1)
Franklin D. Roosevelt: 'Four Freedoms' Speech (2)
Franklin D. Roosevelt: 'Four Freedoms' Speech (3)
Harry Truman: The Truman Doctrine (1)
Harry Truman: The Truman Doctrine (2)
Harry Truman: The Truman Doctrine (3)
Carter's Inaugural Address (1)
Carter's Inaugural Address (2)
Reagan's Inaugural Address (1)
Reagan's Inaugural Address (2)
Reagan's Inaugural Address (3)
Reagan's Inaugural Address (4)
Reagan's Inaugural Address (5)