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初中>八年级 >兴趣课程


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Meeting People(免费使用)
Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Saying Hello
Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Answering an Introduction
Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities I Have to Make Some Calls
Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Making Appointments
Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Talking about Time
Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Go Outdoors and Do a Bit of Sketching
Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities A Housewarming Party and a Tour Round the New Flat
Savvy 2 Family A Harmonious Family
Savvy 2 Family A Family Gathering-Celebrating the New Year
Savvy 3 Work and Study Talking about Work
Savvy 3 Work and Study Going to Work
Savvy 3 Work and Study Looking for a Job
Savvy 3 Work and Study Books Are Food for the Mind
Savvy 4 Social Services At the Hairdresser's Shop
Savvy 4 Social Services At the Barber's Shop
Savvy 4 Social Services At the Laundry
Savvy 4 Social Services At the Watch-maker's Shop
Savvy 4 Social Services At a Photo Studio
Savvy 4 Social Services At a Public Library
Savvy 5 Tourism At the Border Inspection Station
Savvy 5 Tourism At the Customs Counter
Savvy 5 Tourism How to Spend the Summer Vacation
Savvy 5 Tourism Asking the Way
Savvy 5 Tourism Going by Trolley-bus
Savvy 5 Tourism At a Chinese Restaurant
Savvy 5 Tourism About the Weather
Savvy 6 Culture and Arts Seeing a Film
Savvy 6 Culture and Arts Seeing a Play
Savvy 6 Culture and Arts Attend the Concert
Savvy 6 Culture and Arts At a Dance
Savvy 7 Sports Tips for Keeping Fit
Savvy 7 Sports A Football Match
Savvy 7 Sports Recreation and Sports
Savvy 7 Sports I'm Off for a Dip in the Bay
Savvy 8 Expressing Consent and Disagreement
Savvy 9 Opening a Bank Account
Savvy 10 Asking Directions
Savvy 11 Making a Phone Call
Savvy 12 Eating at a Fast-food Restaurant
Savvy 13 Applying for a Job
Savvy 14 Riding the Bus
Savvy 15 Shopping at a Supermarket