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捷径英语(Intermedia Level)

1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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Lesson 1 Hamburger Meat(免费使用)
Lesson 2 Final Examination
Lesson 3 E-mail Joke
Lesson 4 Do You Know Who I Am
Lesson 5 May I Introduce Myself
Lesson 6 I've Sold Those to Someone Else
Lesson 7 Two People Are Playing on the Same Piano
Lesson 8 Never to Stop When Men Whistle at Us
Lesson 9 I Missed Again
Lesson 10 No Smoking
Lesson 11 Don't Worry
Lesson 12 I Don't Have the Time
Lesson 13 Who Cheated
Lesson 14 My Name Is Stonebreaker
Lesson 15 Playing Hide-and-Seek
Lesson 16 Second-hand Clothes
Lesson 17 I'm His Father
Lesson 18 Aren't You His Mother
Lesson 19 Two Theatre Tickets
Lesson 20 Teacher's Praising
Lesson 21 An Expensive Dinner
Lesson 22 Of Course I Can't Read
Lesson 23 The Shopping List
Lesson 24 Drinking in a Public Bar
Lesson 25 Pay the Money for the Word 'Love'
Lesson 26 The Difference Between 'Anger' and 'Exasperation'
Lesson 27 A Very Bad Impression
Lesson 28 A Drum
Lesson 29 My Dishwasher
Lesson 30 What Are the Times of Meals