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捷径英语(Advanced Level)

1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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Lesson 1 Peter's Answer(免费使用)
Lesson 2 A Guide in the Fog
Lesson 3 She Phoned Me on the 20th
Lesson 4 The King and His Bag of Gold
Lesson 5 Shave Me First
Lesson 6 April Fool
Lesson 7 An Artist and a Beggar
Lesson 8 I'd Only Have to Work One Day a Week
Lesson 9 Easy Money
Lesson 10 Logic
Lesson 11 Bad Eyesight
Lesson 12 A Friend to My House
Lesson 13 The Present
Lesson 14 He's Six Months Old Today
Lesson 15 You Failed
Lesson 16 Because They Asked Me Who You Were
Lesson 17 An Advertisement for Modern Bicycle
Lesson 18 IQ Test
Lesson 19 Whose Suitcase Was It?
Lesson 20 It Was Not Enough
Lesson 21 Can't Take It with You
Lesson 22 Speed Limit
Lesson 23 You Will Get a Ringing in Your Ears
Lesson 24 It's a Kind of Cheese
Lesson 25 The Absent-minded Professor
Lesson 26 Rich Man and Poor Man
Lesson 27 Just Helpless
Lesson 28 The Watch
Lesson 29 He Doesn't Drive a Car
Lesson 30 I Am the Secretary's Wife