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初中>九年级 >兴趣课程


1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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Lesson 1 University Student Life in North America(免费使用)
Lesson 2 Columbia Space Shuttle Tragedy
Lesson 3 Picture Perfect
Lesson 4 New Year's Traditions
Lesson 5 Shyness
Lesson 6 Michael Jordan and Emotional Intelligence
Lesson 7 An Interview with a TV Star
Lesson 8 Do You Follow Your Head or Your Heart?
Lesson 9 Advertising
Lesson 10 Money
Lesson 11 Get That Job
Lesson 12 Questions and Answers
Lesson 13 Intercultural Couples
Lesson 14 The Legend of St. Patrick and St. Patrick's Day
Lesson 15 Peer and Cultural Influence
Lesson 16 Smoking
Lesson 17 Riddles
Lesson 18 Health and Fitness
Lesson 19 Anxiety and Depression
Lesson 20 The Touching Stories (1)
Lesson 20 The Touching Stories (2)
Lesson 21 An Interview with NBA Basketball Star Yao Ming
Lesson 22 World Records