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这本书是《英语从头学》系列丛书的第三本。 《英语从头学》系列丛书共分六本,分别是:...
Lesson 33 A Deadly Current(免费使用)
Lesson 34 A Lifesaving Kiss
Lesson 35 A Sense of Security
Lesson 36 The Sex Maniac
Lesson 37 Garbage Could Mean Money
Lesson 38 That's Fashion
Lesson 39 At the Foreign Exchange
Lesson 40 Changing Money
Lesson 41 Getting a Tan
Lesson 42 Roast Beef
Lesson 43 Hi-tech Romance
Lesson 44 Better Off with E-mail?
Lesson 45 Tough Guys Do Dance
Lesson 46 Anything for a Kiss
Lesson 47 Fast-food Talk
Lesson 48 Fast Food, Slow Service
Lesson 49 Stop Snoring!
Lesson 50 Laser Cures Snoring
Lesson 51 Thanksgiving
Lesson 52 A Thanksgiving Get-together
Lesson 53 Monkeying Around
Lesson 54 Variety Is the Spice of Life
Lesson 55 Life after Death
Lesson 56 Baby Trouble
Lesson 57 New Asian Generation
Lesson 58 Like Father, Like Son
Lesson 59 About Moral Values
Lesson 60 How to Attract Boys
Lesson 61 Touring by Taxi
Lesson 62 Keep the Change
Lesson 63 The Dying Languages
Lesson 64 Speaking the Same Language